Varde flyveplads in West-jutland
Photorealistic scenery for fs2000
By Ole Egholm


1. Unzip this archive to your FS2000 scenery folder.

2. Run FS2000 and activate the scenery.

3. Exit FS and add the following to your scenery.cfg in the FS2000 directory:

Flatten.0=101,55 36,e8 26,55 36.5,e8 26,55 36.5,e8 27,55 36,e8 27


turn groung scenery shadows OFF in the display settings menu!
Otherwise the transparency will not work. Use texture smoothing, but not MIP-mapping.

Then choose a light aircraft and go have fun! If you want the scenery to fit better into the surrounding landscape, try my replacement textures (read below)...


-photorealistic ground texture
-all buildings and hangars present and fotorealistic as well.
-even photorealistic barrels along the grass strips!
-custom made trees and bushes
-compatible with the danish replacement textures available for d/l at my homepage.


Stauning Airport
Esbjerg Airport
Ringkøbing Fjord (north) photorealistic scenery area
Billund (beta)


Replacement textures and other sceneries available at:


Comments, suggestions, corrections, improvements are welcome to


I made this scenery with Airport 2.60 build 82 and TerraBuilder Lite V1.93, thanks to the people who makes these programmes. They are great tools! Also Thanks to Manfred Moldenhauer for the Scasm compiler!

A special thank to all the simmers, who writes me with comments, suggerstion, corrections etc. I'm very glad to hear your opinion!

Legal stuff:

This scenery is freeware.

Therefore, you may not distribute it on CD-ROM or disks or the like that is distributed to a large number of people in order to make money with it or any other commercial products or purposes. These rules apply to both the scenery in whole as well as parts of it.
I cannot be responsible for any damage attributed to the download and use of these files, use them at your own risk.

This is version 1.0, and not perfect, so bear in mind that errors may occur.

Please mail comments, corrections, anything is welcome!


The texture files and macros may be not used and altered for other scenery designs.

This scenery is freeware.

Therefore, you may not distribute it on CD-ROM or disks or the like that is distributed to a large number of people in order to make money with it. These rules apply to both the scenery in whole as well as parts of it.

Use this scenery at your own risk. I do not accept any liability for its use and any damage that it may cause.